A Space for Independent Viewpoints Uncategorized Why do so many still buy into the narrative?

Why do so many still buy into the narrative?

Mattias Desmet, Professor or Clinical Psychology at Ghent University, discusses the psychology of ‘mass formation’ – a form, you could say, of mass hypnosis. He explains in detail in this video how he realised what was happening, and the worrying repercussions. Dan Astin-Gregory interviews Prof. Desmet.

Astin-Gregory: “…It’s not actually a spell, of course: the term for it is ‘mass formation’ and right now it’s manifesting as a psychological response — not unlike hypnosis — to the unrelenting, single-focus campaign of fear to which we have all been subjected.”

Some comments from viewers:

This is a pandemic of FEAR and lack of critical thinking. Great discussion. Thank you both:)

Finally someone speaking common sense to the 30% of us who feel befuddled by living in a world filled with apparent madness. Thank you for this video and introducing us to this professor!

It’s so frustrating being surrounded by people who never question anything and just follow orders, I literally get laughed at when I speak outside of the narrative. People are seriously brainwashed.

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