A Space for Independent Viewpoints Home – about our website

Home – about our website

This is a ‘fearless speech’ website that welcomes independent ideas respectfully and fearlessly expressed. We live in unprecedented, mind-numbing times. This site is a space for the un-numbing of human minds; where independent voices can have a platform for views systematically silenced by mainstream ‘psy-ops’ propaganda narratives.

Inspirational Words
The simple step of a courageous individual is not to take part in the lie. One word of truth outweighs the world.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Courage is the commitment to begin without any guarantee of success. 

Don’t listen to the person who has the answers; listen to the person who has the questions...
….. If you are out to describe the truth, leave elegance to the tailor!
Albert Einstein

It always seems impossible – until it is done.
Nelson Mandela

Latest Blog Posts – Click on the links. For further posts, see below

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For the latest updates, articles, videos, campaign material and more, click on the various tabs above!

And see our <Fearless Blog> where you can leave comments to entries. The latest blog posts are listed on this page as well (above in short, below in further detail). If you have something you would like to contribute, write to the email given below or click on the <Contact> tab. Click on the <Regional> sub-menu under <Fearless Speech> to see a selection of videos and messages from the UK and around the world showing examples of fearless speech and protest! Most which you will not hear in the major news media.

NOTE: This is not a ‘conspiracy theory’ (CS) website. The ‘CS’ label is often lazily deployed – by people on both sides of the divide. On one side, the term is commonly deployed and weaponised as a wily way of shutting down any open-minded thinking and discussion about the issue in question.

But on the other, it can be equally problematic to see ‘conspiracies’ everywhere, as some people seem to do – sometimes based on the flimsiest of evidence to serve pre-decided predilections and prejudices. That’s not very useful either – and can also be the enemy of rational discourse and sober, open-minded analysis. It is always an empirical question as to whether a conspiracy exists or not (and history shows that our human history has, alas, been replete with them).

Reputable rational discourse in an open society is genuinely open-minded, and is fearless, in the tradition of Michel Foucault’s helpful notion of ‘fearless speech’ (or parrhesia). According to Foucault, fearless speech poses the following kinds of questions: to what extent are ‘we’ speaking as subjects, and to what extent is ideology ‘speaking’ us? What power does our speech reproduce, and what might it transform? Is our speech emancipatory? Does it contribute to the complexity of thought? Does it leave more questions open than closed? Do we break new ground, or just re-hash the useless play of words?

For Foucault, “parrhesia” possesses five key features: frankness, an expression of the speaker’s own opinion; truth, i.e. saying what one has in mind without qualification; danger, which acknowledges that there is some risk entailed in telling the truth; criticism, which describes the source of the risk, conveyed through penetrating insight; and finally, that parhessia should be considered a social duty – and a right.

These principles of fearless speech are ones to which we honestly aspire on this website. We do not censor articles based on their content or their articulation, so long as they are respectfully written and not abusive about persons (living or dead). Even if all three monitoring editors don’t agree with the argument made, we honour articles that adhere, more or less within reason, to ‘parhessian’ principles.

Independent Viewpoints was launched in April 2021 with a petition text on abandoning the BBC licence fee and supporting media platforms that produce real news. We invite you to explore the different tabs and links above for a range of interesting perspectives on the current Coronavirus situations as well as other current issues in need of fearless speech!

If you’d like to propose a piece for this site that coheres with the ‘fearless speech’ motif as described above, please email us at balancewithheart@protonmail.com with your ideas and/or proposals. Thanks for reading this, and welcome!

IATROGENIC MEDICINE – The Ultimate Big Pharma Business Model >>
   * “Treat” people with toxin-containing medicines (including vaccines);
   * When they get ill, “treat” their symptoms with yet more toxin-containing meds – etc. etc….1

1 About 330,000 patients a year die from prescription drugs in the USA and Europe, with 80 million patients suffering ‘side-effects’ of pains, discomforts, dysfunctions etc. Source: Prof. D.W. Light, ‘The epidemic of sickness and death from prescription drugs’; see https://tinyurl.com/6u633zwt


The cure [sic] should never be worse than the disease”: Time for humanity to wake up…

LATEST BLOG POSTS! Click on links below —

News Issues to remember!!

The UK Parliament held an extended ‘debate’ on the tragic Excess Deaths on January 16th. Share the links!

This move has been spearheaded by Andrew Bridgen, MP.
To view the full debate on a Rumble link, click here.
To view on YouTube with John Campbell, click here, focusing on Andrew Bridgen’s speech and the evidence he presents.
To VIEW ANDREW BRIDGEN’s excellent short speech: “Address to the people from Breedon on the Hill Church”, given on 29th October 2023, see our page, Fearless Speech!

Worrying charts on excess deaths — from 2021, continuing in 2022 and 2023.

Click here for updates on excess deaths, still continuing apace. The figure for total excess deaths to the end of 2023 is 68,179 above average. This is no small matter. It must be investigated!! The elephant in the room is being conveniently ignored.
More and more people are asking questions. A medical doctor in Germany reports:

“Slowly the whole Corona narrative is cracking more and more clearly and against the background of a blatant excess mortality worldwide (19% in Germany in Oct. 2022), which can actually be explained by nothing other than the vaccinations and the psychoneuroimmunological late effects of the measures, even the previously “faithful to the line” are daring to come out of hiding.”

>>In New Zealand, a leaked report end of October 2023 reveals a ‘staggering 3000% spike in excess deaths’ – see our lead article on the <Regional> page.

The petition calling on the UK Parliament to hold a vote on whether to reject amendments to the IHR 2005 closed with a staggering 116,390 signatures

WONDER OF WONDERS: The Petitions Committee finally decided that MPs should hold a debate – on Monday 18 December, nearly half a year after reaching numbers required. AND AFTER the 1st December DEADLINE!! Click here for the wording of the petition and the link for the debate. and the government response. Write your MP to put the pressure on to reject the amendments – there still is a chance.

The World Council for Health (WCH) has released an important document,
Rejecting Monopoly Power over Public Health

In this document, the WCH shows how the proposed IHR (2005) amendments and WHO Pandemic Treaty will greatly centralise control over public health into the hands of the WHO in pandemic ‘situations’ (which isn’t defined). To view and download their very informative document, CLICK HERE TO GO TO THE SEPARATE POST. Connected to this is the following:

The World Health Assembly and WHO is Exceeding its Authority –

From the James Roguski substack, an excellent and important analysis showing “The WHO Constitution does NOT give the WHO the authority to do what it is attempting to do. The negotiation of the proposed amendments to the international health regulations must STOP IMMEDIATELY!”