A Space for Independent Viewpoints Uncategorized Is Klaus Schwab the most dangerous man?

Is Klaus Schwab the most dangerous man?

JP Sears exposes plans of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum

JP Sears does an admirable job, in his style, of raising our awareness of Klaus Schwab’s influence and plans as co-founder of World Economic Forum and the Young World Leaders group, the latter of which has served to indoctrinate innumerable world leaders into his ideas of a ‘Great Reset’. That ‘reset’ pushes for strong centralist governments, uniting to form a unified global direction (in the name of saving the world from disasters – in his book citing Covid as a convenient stepping stone to further this), and humans welding themselves to the machine and computer in a transhumanist agenda.

Watch this and be prepared to take action to raise awareness of the shocking business-government cabal that seeks to control our lives!

Klaus: “We penetrate the cabinets” of world governments

This is not conspiracy headlines! After viewing the above, listen to the short clip below to hear it from the horse’s mouth. In it Klaus Schwab boasts of how ‘proud’ he is of Young World Leaders having penetrated governments around the world, giving as example Justin Trudeau’s cabinet being more than 50% made up of his people!! The openness of this boast is scarcely to be believed!

Connected with this are the WHO plans for an international treaty to legally bind world nations in their health crisis responses – to its own determined action plan to any future ‘pandemic’. Remember that they have changed the definition of pandemic to not stipulate an infectious disease causing deaths but simply ‘cases’. Almost any widespread flu outbreak could come under this.

‘A one health approach’ is one of the mottos of the new WHO plan.
Just pause for a moment and think of the implications of this thinking. Gone is the independent judgement of health practitioners in any health crisis, in consideration of the individual needs of the patient; instead, strong governments take the lead in determining health responses.

The plans – as graphically illustrated by an EU publication – can be viewed here:


And Mercola’s commentary on the insidious WHO plans can be viewed here:


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