A Space for Independent Viewpoints Uncategorized Covid and the left, liberals and greens

Covid and the left, liberals and greens

We need to recognise that neither the intense political nor the multinational business interests have your health in mind but rather their own self-interests and greed.



The two articles in the links above are concerning the puzzle surrounding the predominant left, liberal and green support for the covid restrictions, vaccines and other measures which:

  • have consolidated more wealth in the hands of a few multi-billionaires within a shorter period than any other period in the past;
  • has increased the wealth and profits of huge online multi-national corporations by immense proportions, while the number of poor and destitute has skyrocketed;
  • has given unprecedented support for particular multinational corporations, namely the large pharmaceuticals, which have not only hugely benefited financially from the covid crisis, but who themselves have been convicted and fined for 10s of BILLIONS of dollars just in the last 10 years for criminal offences, including promotion of wrong information on drugs which they knew would harm, maim or potentially kill its users.

Yet all of these are traditionally the area which these groups would be vociferously fighting against. Many within the Independent Viewpoints circles have in the past associated themselves with such circles and have, in maintaining our independent (rather than coerced or behaviourally conditioned) viewpoints, now questioned this paradox. We were very interested to see the above articles by Kim Goldberg.

Added to this is the politicisation of the covid crisis issues so enlarged on by main stream media, in the sense that any opposition or protest to the accepted government narrative is presented not only as being by “extremists” but more likely than not the phrase is added ‘by extreme right-wing’ elements. Yet anyone who has been to protests (rather than swallowing whole mainstream media reports) can plainly tell you this is absolutely not the case. In the USA we have heard from many that any who protest are labelled as Trump supporters. In other words, your stand on Covid issues line has become part of your political party badge!

The embroilment of health issues with politics and big business has become one of the most serious health issues of our time — i.e. it prevents us from discussing health and illness in a truly open-minded way because of political and (money oriented) business interests, which we are being misled by. We need to recognise that neither the intense political nor the multinational business interests have your health in mind but rather their own self-interests and greed.

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