A Space for Independent Viewpoints Uncategorized Challenging Net Zero with Science

Challenging Net Zero with Science

Climate change, global warming and “net zero” goals seem to be yet another area where “cancel culture” seeks to silence any who are challenging the assumptions and many of the conclusions of what is thrown out in the mainstream media.

This should not be so. There should be open dialogue, debate. That belongs to science. But ‘new science’ is not actually science, as it seems to strive to please politicians, its funders and/or other more self-serving ends of certain industries, non-elected groups, etc…

Here is a research report below, which you can download, documenting how there is no conclusive evidence showing the urgent need for net zero.

The authors find that Net Zero – the global movement to eliminate fossil fuels and its emissions
of CO2 and other greenhouse gases – to be scientifically invalid and a threat to the lives of
billions of people.
From the report.

Posting the report here does not mean that this site endorses all the statements in their research studies. It is intended for discussion and debate. To take an example, the authors state that eliminating fossil-fuel derived nitrogen fertilisers from agriculture would precipitate “a starvation crisis worldwide.” Some may differ on this, citing evidence to the contrary: with in-depth studies showing that organic agriculture, for instance, could feed the world, if we adopt other changes in our lifestyles, e.g. not eating meat twice a day, etc… However, we do not wish to fall into the current unscientific habit of finding one statement from someone you don’t agree with and because of that dismissing the whole thing. There are many salient points in the study to be openly discussed.

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