Below is a selection of campaigning material which you may freely download and use. Similarly, if you have material which would be suitable for posting here, let us know (via contact page). Many of the flyers below are oriented around the campaign to keep the experimental vaccinations from children — it would be the first time in history that young people and children would be coerced (and blackmailed!) into taking a medication that is still experimental, is of no benefit for them and where there are demonstrable risks attached.
The first principle of non-violent action is that of non-cooperation with everything humiliating.
– Mohandas K. Gandhi
New book out by THE LIGHT PAPER
An anthology of the best of the first three years of The Light newspaper, edited by Richard House Ph.D.
A 200-page hardback compilation featuring some of the best articles from The Light’s first three years. An amazing gift for your unaware friends and family!
One hundred great articles divided into theme sections.
See the flyer below for further information!
Click on the underlined titles to view and download options.
The WHO (World Health Organisation) new treaty proposal threatens sovereignty of nations
Here is a flyer below which can be viewed, downloaded and printed for your own use.
Click here to go directly to the following Petition, as in document above:
Do not sign any WHO Pandemic Treaty unless it is approved via public referendum.
By end of May it will be set to reach more than 150,000! Keep signing – the more the better!
Vaccines to children??
The UK Government announced on 13th September 2021 its decision to vaccinate children of 12-15 age, and on 30th January 2022 to 5-12 year olds. It is extremely urgent to step up and keep up our campaigning.
There are many flyers below which you can view and download – for reference, distributing and printing for your own campaigns (no copyrights). Below these three flyers is a letter written by medical professionals, scientists and lawyers for those administering vaccines to children: ‘Notice of Legal Obligations and Potential Liabilities from the UK Medical Freedom Alliance to anyone advocating or administering COVID-19 vaccines to children’.
Click on titles of flyers below to view and download, or on the graphics below):
‘Statement from Dr. Malone’, 15 December 2021- A5 Flyer, designed by Independent Viewpoints
‘Why kids don’t need these jabs’, A4 Flyer, from
‘Please read before you inject your child’, A5 flyer, full of important information, designed by Saskia
From the UK Medical Freedom Alliance:
Notice of Legal Obligations and Potential Liabilities from the UK Medical Freedom Alliance to anyone advocating or administering COVID-19 vaccines to children
“This letter is addressed to Public Officers in both their personal and professional capacities. It notifies them of their legal duties to any children in their care, in their capacity as a teacher, healthcare professional, public office holder, carer or parent, and the potential legal position should they breach those duties. It refers to any and all harms caused by decisions that they have made or complied with pertaining to COVID-19 vaccinations for children.
We are encouraging members of the public to distribute this letter as required, to educate and inform all those who are participating in the Covid-19 vaccine rollout to children.”
UK Medical Freedom Alliance
Download by clicking on the <Download> button below.
This can also be accessed at at the UK Medical Freedom Alliance website:
See also our separate post with this information, making it easy for you to share a link specifically with regard to this open letter:
** EXTRA! EXTRA ** The Real Anthony Fauci flyer

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s new book, The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health, is just out (click here to see our Blog post for information), and we have an impressive A5 flyer out on this which you can view, download and have printed for your own stalls and campaigns.
CLICK ON THE TITLE ABOVE OR ON THE COVER PHOTO LEFT to view and download the A5 flyer!
480 pages, ISBN 9781510766808, published 16 November 2021.
Series: Children’s Health Defense; Imprint: Skyhorse Publishing, New York
Currently in the UK it is only available through online sources. It is also available for Kindle.
The Politicians’ JAB
This is a print-ready flyer (as with many others below), which you can openly have printed and distributed in your campaigning. It is specifically in response to the government’s announcement on 13th Sept to go ahead with the Covid vaccination of children of 12-15 years age. The file name is Latest Political JAB flyer-A5.pdf.
“Child Covid-vaccines for 12–15 year olds are clearly a completely unnecessary POLITICAL jab, NOT a medical one. Even the usually pro-Big Pharma Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has not sanctioned Covid-jabbing our children – and yet the government is casting around for a manufactured pretext to do so.”
It includes a transcript from a BBC interview with Professor Adam Finn (Paediatrics, University of Bristol; Head of the Bristol Vaccine Centre) of the JCVI on 6 September 2021. From that interview:
Professor Finn: “It’s a low-risk situation, Rachel; so they’re very unlikely to get sick with Covid in terms of acute illness… On the other hand, there are big unknowns around the safety of the vaccine in this age group…
It is an experimental vaccine; our children should never be made guinea pigs of! They have nothing to fear from the Covid virus, and there are many cases of vaccine side-effects on children – not just rare, as the media suggests. It is the first time a mass medication will be allowed for a whole group of population who have nothing to fear from the illness the medication is supposed to be against.
A template letter for parents to complete with their child’s details, for signing and giving to the headteacher. The document is in an editable format so you can tailor it to your own circumstances if you wish to. Click on the title above which takes you to our secure server for previewing and downloading.*
Do spread the word, and feel free to distribute this file or make copies for friends and campaigning!
For the sake of our children! For further information and background material, see the literature under various headings below.
* NOTE: This template letter reflects the opinions of the authors. It is for giving moral support, that you know there are many others not wishing their children to have the Covid vaccine, and to help you in your dialogue with the school where your children go, where there is likely to be pressure on the children to ‘conform’ to what the ‘crowd’ is doing and what the school has been instructed to say by the government. A template letter of this nature should not be assumed to be comprehensive or authoritative in relation to any particular case, or situation, or set of facts, nor should it be a substitute for legal or medical advice where needed. While Independent Viewpoints cannot assume any responsibility for any actions you take as a result of the letter template, we wish you success in standing up for your rights as parents for giving consent or not for any medication suggested for your children.
IF YOU WISH TO CONTACT YOUR SCHOOL ANONYMOUSLY about the issue of vaccination without consent, there is also another possibility through ‘Lawyers for Liberty’: you give them school information and they send a letter/email.
Or you can do BOTH this and the above!
For further information, click on this link or copy it:
A Big Pharma War has been declared on our children

The lead ‘for effect’ flyer – the front side with bright red background, the reverse with very essential information for parents, young people and children to consider – with further link for all the sources.
Several countries have extended the permissions and now also coercion for young people and children down to 12 years of age to be given the Covid vaccines. Behavioural psychology is being used to make them believe, even if they are not at risk themselves, that they are doing it ‘for others’. This is blatant behavioural manipulation and a gross distortion of the truth (see the book, A State of Fear – information on the the <Fearless Speech> tab above, for more information on the behavioural scientists employed by governments for spreading misinformation).
This flyer goes a long way, along with the further links given, to completely breaking down and tearing to shreds the misinformation being put out there by mass-media and NHS for the sake of a huge BigPharma experiment.
IT IS ESSENTIAL that we counter the pharma and government propaganda, presenting the truth of the risks for young people and children. This leaflet is a good starter.
The Covid Vaccine: What’s in it for Me?

An A5 flyer oriented towards young people and children, asking the question,
The Covid Vaccine: What’s in it for me?
and… What’s in it for them?!
On the front side it presents the general case of there being no reason whatsoever for children to have the experimental vaccine, but that it lead on the other hand to myocarditis (heart disease),
blood clots and brain damage, herpes, bleeding, weakness, erectile dysfunction and pain.
In addition, “there are no published studies that rule out possible long-term effects on either male or female fertility, which is an important consideration if you wish to have children in the future.”
On the reverse side of the flyer there is further information and links where you can go for references.
Covid-19 Child Vaccination: Safety and Ethical Concerns – An Open Letter from UK Doctors –
NOTE: Any medics or scientists who want to sign this open letter should email their name, qualifications and job title to: From the start of the open letter:
“We wish to notify you of our grave concerns regarding all proposals to administer COVID-19 vaccines to children. Recently leaked Government documents suggested that a COVID-19 vaccine rollout in children over 12 years old is already planned for September 2021, and the possibility of children as young as 5 years old being vaccinated in the summer in a worst-case scenario.1 We have been deeply disturbed to hear several Government and SAGE representatives calling in the media for the COVID-19 vaccine rollout to be “turning to children as fast as we can…”
This A5 size PDF document can be printed as a handy information pamphlet, in ‘booklet’ format. Remember to choose ‘booklet’ under print options.
Stickers! … click on graphic or highlighted text to download

The Media is the Virus sticker Stickers and more stickers! – you can have them printed inexpensively 35 to an A4 sheet, for example at Able Labels ( – see also below. Click on the sticker image to download a high-res JPG image for using.

Leave those kids alone sticker. As with above, click on the sticker image to download a high-res JPG image for using. For a round template, as this one is, Click here for a link direct to the applicable page on their website (click on <Personalise it> to upload your own image).
Covid-19 Child Vaccination Flyer
This is a simple two-page PDF flyer for giving important and useful basic information, with page two being an evocative cartoon image. A link is given on the flyer to another support document (see next item below) which gives full details for all the statements made on the flyer. For the cartoon image on its own in JPG format, click here. For page 1 on its own giving just text without cartoon, click here.
Covid-19 Child Vaccination Support Information
A highly informative 8 page document giving support information for the above flyer or also separately for discussions, talks, debates, etc. A link is given to this document in the Child Vaccination Flyer above.

Would you install… link to an informative webpage and website
“Would YOU install… a trial app that could screw up your £800 iPhone?
When your chances of surviving Covid-19 are 99.99%* and the elderly and ‘at risk’ people are now vaccinated, why would you put your future health at risk?“
A good link designed for young people – do pass it on!
Alternately, click here to download a high-res print ready leaflet from which the image on the left is taken.
And for alternate printing options, go to
Physician Whistleblower Accounts of Severe Covid-19 Vaccine Injuries
If you need some first hand accounts, given by 11 doctors, of vaccine injuries and deaths that they have witnessed with patients, here is a most revealing document, dated 27 October 2021. Written by solicitors on behalf of the doctors, addressed to directors of the USA health services, CDA and FDA. It is sobering reading.
Click here for the link and full text.
Post Card to Boris Johnson

A post card to Boris Johnson urging him to not implement any programme to covid-vaccinate school children. Print this out on A4 heavier paper or light card and cut in quarters to post card size hand-outs for people to sign. Remind people in handing out to put their home postcode next to their signature before sending. At the Stroud stall, we have 2nd class postage stamps on hand to put on the cards then and there, asking people to give a donation to cover costs (eg £1).
USFORTHEM – Open Letter to Boris Johnson re child vaccination
“We are writing as professionals, medics, academics, parents, grandparents,
and members of the public to express our grave concerns about suggestions
to extend the Covid-19 vaccination programme to children. We believe this
to be a hasty step that is uncalled for under present circumstances…”
This is a shorter open letter, in handy folded A5 format, drawing on important points. It can be printed, front and back sides, on a single A4 sheet and folded. Remember to choose ‘booklet’ under print options.
IVERMECTIN – ‘The unsung hero in the war against Covid’
An Ivermectin information leaflet, put out by the British Ivermectin Information Development (BIRD) group, giving details on the important research done and how the medicine can be an important component in Covid treatments.
Asymptomatic Spread – Who can really spread Covid-19? – leaflet
This is a leaflet in handy A5 booklet format, on the important topic of whether asymptomatic people (people not showing any symptoms, even if having a positive PCR test for Covid) can actually spread the virus. It turns out, the research in support of this is flimsy at best, with most medical research and experience being that only a very small percentage of asymptomatic carriers can spread, the others not. This is important: the two factors of the (misleading) PCR test and the fear of spread of virus have ‘determined’ the responses of governments and health authorities. Yet both have more evidence against than for. Print on A4 sheet and fold in half. Remember to choose ‘booklet’ under print options.
Sticky labels – <Young! Healthy! VAXX FREE>

These labels have proved popular – you can have them printed inexpensively 35 to an A4 sheet, for example at Able Labels ( Click here for a link direct to the applicable page on their website (click on <Personalise it> to upload your own image). Upload the file, choose how many sheet you want – presto!
Draft letter – editable – for sending to doctors
As a medical practitioner facilitating or administering the injecting of a COVID-19 or mRNA ‘vaccine’ to the patients in your care, you are hereby given notice that your failure to fully inform your patients of the factual safety of, efficacy of, and full list of possible adverse reactions to, these injections, prior to obtaining their consent to be inoculated with same, is in breach of your sworn Hippocratic Oath and the Nuremberg Code…. (click on title to download full template.)