Visit our Creativity Section for a hand-picked selection of great memes, poems, film clips and more.
Here’s just a mini mini selection. See many more by clicking here! It is continually being added to, so make a note to visit again!

Or get a taste of the inimitable JP Sears, with several of his very pertinent satires. Here’s one.
There are also others, for example the short creative drama, Omeleto: a glimpse into an Orwellian dystopian future where all is controlled — but wait, the disturbing thing in this is, several of the things have been happening… now! Brilliantly done.
Often, these forms of getting a message across, from memes (humorous or satirical) or short films, are more effective at getting attention and moving hearts and minds than merely informational pieces about all the things going on. Do have a look. All the things are in the public domain for linking to; spread the word (or, er, meme!).
JUST AS IMPORTANT – LET US KNOW if you come across a good meme or creative video, poem, story, etc on a related topic!