A Space for Independent Viewpoints Uncategorized Catchments, carbon, soil, agriculture and weather

Catchments, carbon, soil, agriculture and weather

It is very interesting how we have gotten used to little blue boxes on YouTube appearing under videos of any controversial topic which tell viewers how they should think. On just about all social media, it was the case if there were any questions raised about Covid — if you were lucky not to have the posts censored and removed. Now it is the case with ‘climate change’ topics: there is one accepted view, and it is that which is expounded by the United Nations. All other views are, well… misinformation it appears. And you are told as much – in that little blue box. A WHO official famously made the statement, “We own the Science, and we think that the world should know it, and the platforms themselves also do” (see statement of Melissa Fleming, UN Undersecretary for Global Communications in the third and fourth video clips below, part of an interview at the World Economic Forum WEF).

This is really scary. Do we realise how we have, thereby, completely departed from science? Science in its truest form is not a dictator, with one party owning the correct view. That is shockingly close to 1984 and the Ministry of Truth. ‘Science’ is a continuing exploration, rarely with complete certainty, open to new discoveries, with the free exchange of ideas — testing different theses along the way to see if they correspond to reality.

In the first and second videos, we have a fresh perspective on ‘climate change’ which brings in an aspect which is mostly if not almost totally ignored and which significantly affects climate: industrialised agriculture and the collapse thereby of the world’s soils. And the effect this is having on climate. That’s where the blue boxes jump in, correcting any aberrant thoughts or ideas we have had!

Lois Caborn has written a book entitled Catchments & Carbon: The Real Cause of Unstable Weather on the topic. Available from booksellers or online from Amazon (click here or on the book image).

And in case you are confused and don’t know what to think, here is the WEF video interview with Melissa from the UN Ministry of Truth.

Below is a clipped version to save you listening time in the above, but the description in the above longer video of the tactics that the UN used to disseminate their view of the science of Covid and climate change is enlightening.

So, what is science?

Science is a process, not a place or a lab or an institution; the process is one of applying thoughts to observations, arriving at concepts which attempt to make sense of the observation, testing them out, trying again, and again. Discussing with others who may have done similar. As such, it is owned by each and every one of us, just that some are used to doing it more vigorously than others. Unfortunately, this is often today distorted by special interests, by financial and power interests of corporations, by funding interests, by government dictates. In this scenario, it is only a positive sign that more and more individuals come to realise that they can and must also think for themselves, without the corporate or financial or institutional or selfish interests. There are challenges here, to be sure, but there are also huge potentials.

To be explored in another post!

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