A Space for Independent Viewpoints Uncategorized UPDATE on ‘Something HUGE is happening in CANADA!’

UPDATE on ‘Something HUGE is happening in CANADA!’

A HUGE truckers protest convoy has already arrived in Ottawa, as many readers will know, with 50,000 trucks and half a million people!!

> $10 million Canadian dollars raised on GoFundMe to support the protest – BUT THEN THE ACCOUNT WAS FROZEN apart from $1 million that was released! The TRUST PILOT page for GoFundMe has crashed and been temporarily suspended due to donor outrage at GoFundMe, with a new label being born:

A GoFundMe update, 6th February, is that money is being refunded to donors. Elon Musk noted the double standards the fund raising body has, allowing some initiatives to continue which it agrees with, other like this are banned.

A new independent fundraising platform has been started for the truckers:
https://www.givesendgo.com/FreedomConvoy2022, which has already raised almost US$2.5 million.
More donations are being sought. Do consider giving – what happens in Ottawa will have ripples around the world, and hopefully what happens will be in the positive direction.

BUT THE TRUCKERS ARE UP AGAINST RESISTANCE from the government, Trudeau blaming it on ‘fringe elements’ who ‘don’t represent Canadians’, though the number of public supporting them both when enroute and in Ottawa belies this. Nova Scotia apparently quickly passed a law banning bystanders cheering truckers from bridges and along highways – all in the name of ‘safety’ of course. And the Mayor of Ottawa – news just in – is literally laying siege on Ottawa citizens: blocking food and fuel supplies from entering Ottawa (government officials naturally excepted) so that public support for the truckers’ freedom cause will turn into blame for not having enough food! (see second and third video below). Further updates can be found on Telegram channels, e.g. NotOnTheBeep and many others.

Here are a couple update videos:

… this post from 5th February.

Here is a YouTube video from 26th January 2022 giving a broad picture of what is and was underway for truckers getting to Ottawa.

The information in the column to the right is what is given under this video. More information can be found at these links and on Telegram channels, incl. https://t.me/OzTrucksToCanberra – apparently the Australians are watching closely and organising a similar protest for there!

Canadian Truckers & Freedom Lovers are uniting for the ‘Convoy To Ottawa 2022’. More than 50,000 trucks are making their way to Ottawa to stand up for FREEDOM & against mandates for the ‘Experimental Gene Therapy’ which prevents truckers from doing their job. β–Ή Info & Support Links: πŸ‘‰πŸ½ https://canada-unity.com/bearhug/ πŸ‘‰πŸ½ https://t.me/convoytoottawa2022 πŸ‘‰πŸ½ https://www.facebook.com/groups/convoy πŸ‘‰πŸ½ https://www.gofundme.com/f/taking-bac… β–Ή ALL INSPIRED Links In Once Place πŸ‘‰πŸ½ https://linktr.ee/InspiredChannel

It is an amazing organisational effort. Apparently it took Canada 8 months to organize this event and sift through legalities and paperwork to cross every t and dot every I to pull this off… says one Telegram writer. In the USA they are attempting to do it in 5 weeks!

Below are a few more clips from the Canadian Truckers Convoy! See also our entry under https://independentviewpoints.net/regional/ where another clip is given.

Canadian truckers supported by 12,000 truckers from USA, here crossing the border to Canada!

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