A new petition has been launched on the petition.parliament.uk website — calling for an independent inquiry into the excess deaths this year and last.
This is absolutely essential, and unless we press for it, the MPs in parliament are not showing an interest. Imagine! — not showing an interest in why there are so far over 25,000 excess deaths this year in the UK, excluding any attributed to Covid: so many are dying far above the 10 year average just in the last couple years in their country which they are representing. MPs have sometimes raised more of an outcry over single deaths in some misfortune. Or are they not representing us, the citizens, but big business and money interests? Simply towing the line of the party, which is looking to its survival at the next election? One wonders.
Here is the link below — show our MPs that they are there to represent us, to serve us!
Write also to your MP. If you want to add graphical evidence, feel free to copy the chart below — for continual updates, explanations, and for the 2022 graph which is even more disconcerting, see https://independentviewpoints.net/puzzling-weekly-excess-death-figures/. All figures behind the graph are from the Office of National Statistics — there is no fabrication, no misinformation nor disinformation.